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US-China relations have reached a frightening new era
The relationship between the US and China is likely to determine humanity’s fate in the 21st century. It will determine whether there will be peace, prosperity and protection of the…
Thus saith the lord?
The phrase, “thus saith the Lord” has been used to mislead several people who don’t have direct spiritual connection with God. In 1970, a man called Olufunmilayo Odumosu, whom until his…
How democracy crumbles: The Nigerian case
Democracy, by its design, nature, and practice, is not a light toggle switch that is turned on and off. It is not a wall that crumbles in one fell swoop. Democracy is always a process, both…
Nigerian banks and Ghana’s sovereign debt crisis
The financial losses incurred by some Nigerian banks due to Ghana’s default in meeting its debt obligations underscores the significance of country risks faced by international lenders and,…
Nigerians are helpless!
When you are weak, when there is no power, when you are poor, in the time of sorrow, war and when you are not certain of what will happen next; then you are helpless. This is the condition…