Comments on: EXPLAINER: What a BRICS reserve currency plan means for Nigeria Destination for Business news and analysis from Africa's largest economy Mon, 17 Apr 2023 19:28:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: la paix Benz Mon, 17 Apr 2023 19:28:40 +0000 In reply to Jimmy.

Mr Yusuf talked about every country that doesn’t do accept the American interest being crippled, my point is why haven’t they crippled the Indians? Simply put that was a wrong notion. If India was their problem they have it figured out

By: Anodebenze Mon, 17 Apr 2023 12:52:31 +0000 Then why write like a traitor ?read obasanjo writing or Mohammed lai statementThen you Knows who they are,they speaks and writes through their soul,the yorubas are the most proud African in our continent.a yoruba man does not take a prisoner in his principle.they are the most honest people in our planet,There is no nigerian,that can write the way you do
Then why write as an or a yoruba is full of prejudice and faulty reasoning, are you being be paid ?.when i write,i sometimes i targets my audience to makes clarification..people in uganda,south africa,ruwanda and in america read this nigerian website,when those outside nigeria,who read a particular article,they act and pushes themselves and act through their soul for their betterment.nobody is decieved and what a man that sow she will reapif you doubt what iam saying,go and checks for yourself

By: Jimmy Mon, 17 Apr 2023 08:22:28 +0000 In reply to la paix Benz.

The Americans know India is strategic to their geopolitical ambitions in the Indo Pacific, so don’t expect them to mess with India anytime soon.

By: la paix Benz Sun, 16 Apr 2023 06:39:17 +0000 In reply to Yusuf Y.

The Indians don’t agree with the Americans on many fronts, tell me has their economy been crippled?

By: la paix Benz Sun, 16 Apr 2023 06:29:21 +0000 In reply to res non verba.

In few words, you know what you are talking and that’s a fact.

By: res non verba Sun, 16 Apr 2023 04:04:36 +0000 In reply to Anodebenze.

@Anodebenze The person you refer to as the “white American” na omo Yoruba. Even know that shouldn’t matter…

Our corrupt officials have a tendency to convert their assets into dollars for a reason.

When things get tough, I know which currency I want to hold, and it’s certainly not the Chinese Yuan or the Russian Ruble. Despite the presence of American hegemony, there is no credible alternative to the stability and efficiency of the American capital markets, Delaware general corporation law, and the credibility of the US Fed and the dollar.

Sensible international investors and corporations will not hold currencies from the BRICS until they actually establish institutions that can provide the same level of stability and efficiency as the United States.

Keep this in mind and find peace.

By: Yusuf Y Sun, 16 Apr 2023 03:17:11 +0000 @anadobenze. I agree with you 100. Countries are tired of being bullied anymore. Big countries are already joining the alliance. This is the beginning of multi polar world.

By: res non verba Sat, 15 Apr 2023 19:59:32 +0000 In reply to Yusuf Y.

It’s naive to believe that China, Russia, or any other country in a similar position would not weaponize their currencies against their opponents. For instance, China has a history of bullying its neighboring countries that maintain friendly ties with Taiwan through its trade policies, while Russia has used its gas reserves as a weapon against Europe and other countries.

However, the main difference between the dollar and China’s trade balance or Russia’s gas reserves is that the United States is more predictable in demonstrating its red lines. In addition, the US often provides impartial due process in courts when an individual or state actor’s US-based assets are frozen. A good example of this is the recent situation in Afghanistan, where the US Treasury froze $3.5bn in foreign reserves after the Taliban regained control. Following litigation, the US unfroze the capital and transferred it to a new Swiss foundation tasked with returning the funds directly to the Afghan people in the form of aid. This approach ensures that the Taliban cannot use the capital to purchase weapons or finance their opium trade, while returning that capital to its rightful owners.

However, it’s doubtful that China, Russia, or any other country would follow similar due process with their political opponents.

Therefore, we should not fall for the desperate propaganda attempts by insecure autocrats in Russia and China, who seek to delegitimize the dollar and gain freer reign in oppressing their people and foreign enemies through financial means.

By: Web Designer Sat, 15 Apr 2023 19:15:27 +0000 This is a welcomed development, we should look deeply on how Nigeria should leverage this opportunity to it’s favour

By: Anodebenze Sat, 15 Apr 2023 13:20:52 +0000 all these can be done,all we knows now,is the decline of the dollar,either by mistake or by design,here is no doubt,this character is an american white who aims to infulences nigerian opinion.
The dollar is under attack from many front, for the first time in 40 yrs,especially from those nations from the BRICS,WHO ARE the brazillians,russians,china and south african,even saudis arabia and tunisia,all of them are determined and have decided to topple the dollar and this have started early this year,although China and india are not aggresive in their aim to dethrone the dollar,with russia,they felt,they are being insulted by the american and the british.
We do have the MINT countries that are not active,which are mexico,indonesia,nigeria and tailand,all of them have population more than 100 who said that u.s.a have attracted 11 trillion dollar out of 44 trillion.where is he getting his fact,whatever on what he saw and on what he will see.america is already in decline of which he will not get out of it,as he had made a lot of enemy ,and bullied some other countries.
Very soon other countries that were bullied or place under unjustied sanctions,.this is why the dollar is under attack from all frontThey are determined to get the americans to pay.Tunisia,Ghana and malaysian are not core members of the BRICS,they joined the brics to counter our global infulences,that are in the G7.
I Do NOT THINK NIGERIA WILL JOIN any alliance,EITHER POLITICAL OR ECONOMIC except the AFRICAN UNION,maybe China or south africa and ethiopia.

By: Yusuf Y Sat, 15 Apr 2023 02:54:42 +0000 The dollar is now an economic weapon which can be unleashed anytime

By: Yusuf Y Sat, 15 Apr 2023 02:52:09 +0000 In reply to Japa queen.

The dollar is weaponized now. If you don’t accept America’s interest, then your economy will be crippled. They can freeze your external reserve anytime they want.

By: res non verba Fri, 14 Apr 2023 22:33:40 +0000 In reply to NextGen.

The selection of reserve currencies is often influenced more by the availability of liquidity from the home capital markets and legal systems that support them, rather than trade.

When conducting international trade, many businesses prefer to transact in currencies like the dollar, euro, or sterling because if a dispute arises, they can seek resolution within the US, EU, UK, and receive support from the financial and legal institutions that are associated with that particular reserve currency.

I agree with @Japa Queen 100%.

The reality is that until another country can offer the most deepest and most liquid capital markets on earth, efficient legal systems that protect the rights of investors and creditors regardless of their nationality, origin, or status, and stable political institutions that conduct economic and political policy in a transparent and predictable manner, it is unrealistic to expect the US dollar will be replaced as the preferred global reserve currency.

By: NextGen Fri, 14 Apr 2023 19:45:18 +0000 In reply to Japa queen.

@Japa queen, who (mis)informed that a BRICS currency is being muted as an “investment”?

The original 4 BRICS nations constitute 25% of the global economy (and 40% of the world’s population). A BRICS currency (if it ever comes to fruition) would simply be targeted at facilitating trade among the BRICS nations (and their friends and/or ‘client’ states) without resort to the Western-controlled dollar-denominated international trading system. In effect, less of their trans-national trade would be subjected to Western political considerations and/or restrictions.

By: Japa queen Fri, 14 Apr 2023 18:48:34 +0000 The brics currency is dead on arrival and not feasible anytime soon – more propaganda than reality – or savvy investors will ditch the openly auditable dollar and it’s legal systems for the closed and secretive Russians or Chinese or the underdeveloped South Africans? Russia is even under sanctions as we speak and won’t recover economically for decades at least and won’t be welcome back openly for international trade as well for a while – so why would anyone take this serious?
